Topview Healthcare LTD

Every young person needs a supporting hand in life. Some more than others. We believe that by giving young people the opportunity to believe in themselves and their own capability we support them to gradually take responsibility of their lives and come to terms with issues relating to their past experiences or the breakdown in family relationships. In doing so young people are able to leave us feeling accepted, cared for with positive goals and dreams for the future.
Making a lasting positive impact for the people we support is the reason we exist.
We deliver high performance across our services, helping people to transform their lives.
We also offer Post 18 floating support and emergency out of hours accommodation service
Young people with us, are given the option of engaging in a range of activities and opportunities of learning what will enhance their personal development and subsequently impact their future prospects. We have a focus on challenging and reducing the level of aggression in young people by giving them the opportunity to reflect and learn from negative behaviour choices,by allowing young people more freedom, but also building a relationship of trust we are able to meet our key aims which includes:

  • Enhancing the young person’s ability to become self sufficient
  • Enhancing cooking and cleaning skills.
    Promoting the benefits of self care and healthy eating.
  • A reduction in the use of substances and alcohol.
  • Managing emotion including grief and anger.
  • Improve consequential thinking skills.
  • Improved relationships with peers.
  • Rebuilding relationships within the family.
  • Build the young person’s self confidence
  • To address issues relating to external and environmental factors, i.e. offending, anti social behaviour and social exclusion.
  • Enhance Money Management skills.
  • Young people will be able to identify with the positive rewards that are accomplished by engaging in education training and employment.
  • Build motivation and self esteem.
  • Address feelings of detachment and rejection.
  • Reckless and harmful behaviour will be reduced.
  • Issues relating to vulnerability are worked through with the young person to encourage personal safety

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Perth (Head) Office:
01738 248300

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Call us on 01159771585
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